[Questions and Answers - Zalo 0977207836]

[lesson: 007 - 0/1/1]

Questions and Answers. 07. Childhood memory

Did you have a happy childhood? - Yes, I did. I enjoyed playing hide and seek with my peers. - Did you experience your childhood in a city or countryside? - I spent my childhood in a rural area where I could see vast rice fields. - Did you usually skip class when you were a child? - Yes, I did, and many of my friends did, too. - Who were you with when you were a child? - I was with my beloved family. - What did you want to be when you were a child? - I dreamed of being a fashion designer. - Who did you love the most when you were a child? - I loved my mom the most since she was always there and took care of me. - Who was your childhood hero? - Robin Hood, he took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. - What reminds you of your childhood? - Green rice fields which I happen to see everywhere remind me of my beautiful childhood. - Did you change a lot when you grew up? - Yes, of course. I’m more mature now both physically and mentally. - Why is childhood important? - Because it shapes people into who they will become.
/ ˈkwes-ʧənz ənd ˈɑːn-səz ˈtʃaɪld-hʊd ˈme-mə-ri /

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Did you have a happy childhood?
Yes, I did. I enjoyed playing hide-and-seek with my peers.
Did you experience your childhood in a city or countryside?
I spent my childhood in a rural area where I could see vast rice fields.
Did you usually skip-class when you were a child?
Yes, I did, and many of my friends did, too.
Who were you with when you were a child?
I was with my beloved family.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
I dreamed of being a fashion designer.
Who did you love the most when you were a child?
I loved my mom the most since she was always there and took-care-of me.
Who was your childhood hero?
Robin hood, he took money from the-rich and gave it to the-poor.
What reminds you of your childhood?
Green rice fields which I happen to see everywhere remind me of my beautiful childhood.
Did you change a lot when you grew-up?
Yes, of-course. I’m more mature now both physically and mentally.
Why is childhood important?
Because it shapes people into who they will become.

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