[Teacher Mike - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 150 - 0/1/3]
Teacher Mike. Yardwork In The Backyard
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Today I am in my backyard of my parents house. So behind me is the house. And this area behind the house is called the backyard. And you can see here we have a bunch of bamboo. And-then over-here, we have a bunch of dead bamboo. And today I have-to do some yard-work. Yard-work is like housework, but housework is in your house. Yard-work is in your yard. So today I am going to cut this bamboo into smaller pieces so-that I can fit it inside this trash-can. Where's the trash-can? So, yeah, usually when you cut bamboo, you use a-saw. But that's because when you cut bamboo, usually you're cutting it to use it for something. So in Thailand, when you cut bamboo, you can use it to build a house, you can use it to build a table. But this bamboo, I think it's just going to get recycled. So after I finish cutting it, we're going to put it in-front-of the house and people are going to come collect it, the trash-people. And Like-I-said, usually you use a-saw to cut the bamboo. This is a-saw, but I wanted to do something to get a-little-bit more exercise. So today I have an axe, and I'm going to use this axe to cut the bamboo. You can see that when you cut the bamboo with an axe, it's not very neat. Um, but again, that's okay, because I'm not using it for anything. If we were using it for something, then I would probably use a-saw. So, yeah, that's what I'm doing today. I thought I would just share that with you, let you guys know about the words yard-work, housework, axe, saw, backyard. And again, today, I'm in the backyard. I also have a front yard. The area in-front-of your house is called the front yard. But what are some more things in the backyard? So we have this. This-thing-that the birds eat from. This is called "a bird feeder". So the birds come and eat from the bird feeder. The thing that feeds the birds. Here I have a very big tree. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is actually. Anyways, it's very big. Oh. We also have this. This is called a bird bath, because the birds can come and take-a-bath in it. So we have a bird bath. And behind me, we have a bird feeder. And today I'm going to cut some bamboo.
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