[Teacher Mike - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 056 - 0/1/3]
Teacher Mike. How Can I Teach My Child To Speak English
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I've never made a video about teaching children before because I am not a children's teacher. I do not have much experience teaching children because I teach adults. But a lot of people have asked recently, how-can I teach my children to speak English? And the thing is, if you have child and they are already speaking a first language, that-means-that you already know what to do, because you already did it with the first language. Now just do the-same-thing with English. Speak to them in English every-day. When you're doing daily things with them, just speak English. Okay, time to eat dinner. Go wash your hands. Did you use soap and water? Did you wash your hands for 30 seconds? Okay, great. Now your hands are clean, and you can sit-down at the table. Would-you-like some potatoes? Say please. Say thank you. Just basic things like this. You don't need to do anything special to teach your kids to speak English. You just need to speak to them. And maybe your English isn't perfect and you don't feel very confident because of that. Don't worry. Your English doesn't need to be perfect to teach English. You just want your kids to be hearing the vocabulary and the grammar every-day so-that they are absorbing it. And maybe your pronunciation is really bad, and you teach your kids to pronounce some words incorrectly. That's fine, because that's better than nobody teaching them anything. So just relax. Talk to your kids about the things that you're doing every-day. Just oh, look-at that. That's a dog. Do you like the dog? Does it look-like a nice dog? Do you want to touch it? Be careful, it might bite you. Just things like this. Just basic things that you would say to your child in your first language. Don't worry too-much about grammar. Don't make it feel-like your child is studying. Just make them feel-like you are speaking to them and try to keep it interesting. If you want to sing songs with them or find other activities that don't make it feel-like they're learning. And Like-I-said, I'm not an expert on this, but this is just my opinion. If you really want more information, I would just go on the internet and type in: How-can I teach my child to speak English at home? And you will probably get some good information. Good luck.
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