[Teacher Mike - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 006 - 0/1/2]
Teacher Mike. 4 Ways To Benefit More From My Videos
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What do you do when you watch an english learning video? Do you just watch the video and then go on to another video? Or do you actually do anything to make sure that you are going to remember the information that you learned? I'm going to give you four things that you can do easily to make sure that you benefit the-most from my videos. One, don't worry if you don't understand everything. Watch the whole video from the beginning to the-end without stopping it. Focus on following the main idea of the video, not on understanding every word or sentence. You can learn a lot even when there are words that you do not understand. If you get to the-end of the video and there are some things that you don't understand, try watching it again. You might understand more the second time that you watch it and you might not. That's okay too. Come-back in a few weeks or a few months and see if it is easier to understand. This is a really good way to see your progress, to see how much you have improved over-time. Two, if you don't understand a word or if you want to know how to spell it, ask. I don't have subtitles in all my videos and there are actually several reasons for this. One of the reasons is that I want people to focus more on listening. And most people stop listening when you give them subtitles. If you don't understand something I said, comment on the video and ask what I said, just like you would in a real conversation. For example, what did you say at 215? It sounded like dark. I try my best to reply to questions like this, and even if I don't have time to answer your question, maybe someone-else will. Three write down words and phrases that you hear. You aren't going to be able to remember or use words in the future. If you have never done anything with them, you need to use them to remember them, write them in a notebook, practice creating new sentences with them, or even create flashcards to help you remember them. And please comment on my videos using the language that I taught you in the video. These are actually the types of comments that I am most likely to reply to. And finally, number four review old videos. Even if you felt-like you understood the video 100% the first time that you watched it, come-back and watch it again later. I bet you can find something new that you didn't notice the first time. And like I said in number one, if there was something that you didn't understand the first time, it will probably be easier to understand the second or third time that you watch it. And whether you are watching this video on facebook or on youtube. I highly recommend that you do these four simple things to really benefit the-most from my videos.
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