[English Singsing - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 008 - 0/1/1]
English Singsing. Level 3. The Elves and the Shoemaker
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The elves and the shoemaker.
There once was a poor but warm hearted shoemaker and his wife. The shoemaker sighed: I only have enough leather to make one pair of shoes.
He cut them out and left the pieces on his work table. He then went to sleep. The next morning, a new pair of beautifully made shoes were on the table.
My goodness! What is all this?
After a while, a customer came in and saw the shoes. Oh! These shoes are the nicest shoes I've ever seen. I'll pay you double the price if you let me buy this.
The shoemaker bought leather for two pairs of shoes. He left it on the table once more. The next morning, two pairs of neatly made shoes were waiting for him.
Who could make such fine shoes? Thank you, whoever you are.
Customers came in and paid more money. And again the man bought more leather. But this time, he said to his wife: Let's hide tonight and find out who has been helping us.
They waited behind the door. Just then, two elves came in dancing. Their little hands stitched, sewed, and hammered the whole night to make the shoes.
We will help the poor shoemaker and his wife too.
After finishing the shoes, they quickly disappeared. The shoemaker's wife said: I want to give these elves a memorable gift.
The shoemaker sewed tiny shoes and his wife stitched lovely little suits for the elves. They put it on the table and waited behind the door. The two elves appeared again. But this time they didn't find any leather on the table but nice clothes and shoes just their size.
Yippee! I love these! It's time to go now and help other people.
They happily skipped and danced their way out. From that day on they were never seen again. But the shoemaker never became poor again
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