[English Singsing - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 007 - 0/1/1]
English Singsing. Level 3. Rumpelstiltskin
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Long ago in a small kingdom, there lived a Miller and his beautiful daughter. On the street, the Miller ran into The King. To buy the king's favor, he said: Your highness, my daughter can spin straw into gold.
The greedy king invited the daughter to his palace. He locked her into a chamber, saying: Spin all the straw in this room into gold, or else you will die.
Oh no, what do I do? The girl sobbed hopelessly.
Just then, a little man appeared out of nowhere. I can spin this straw into gold for you, but you must give me a gift.
I will give you my necklace.
Yippee! The little man spun all the straw into gold and left.
The greedy king saw this and locked the girl once more. He gave her more straw to spin this time. The girl was sobbing when the little man appeared again. I can spin this straw into gold for you, but you must give me a gift.
I will give you my ring. Yippee!
The girl gave him the ring, and the little man spun all the straw into gold again.
The King who saw this was delighted. But growing greedier, he locked her up in a bigger room with more straw.
If you can spin all of this straw into gold again. I will make you my queen.
When the girl began to cry, the little man showed up and asked her for a gift. But I have nothing left with me.
Then promise me to give me your firstborn child when you become queen.
I promise, so please help me.
The little man did his job once more and soon The King married the girl. After a while, she gave birth to her first child. The little man appeared to The Queen to remind her of the promise. I'm here to get your child.
Give it to me.
Oh, please let me keep my child.
Okay, fine. If you guess my name right in three days, I will break the promise.
The Queen sent out all her messengers to get the little man's name. Even after two days passed, The Queen still didn't know his name.
But on the third day, one of her messengers said: Your highness, I still don't know the name you need. But last night, I saw a man dancing around a fire singing a song. He said: Hocus pocus tickle dance and sing, first a necklace, then a ring. Riddles and magic are my game. Rumpelstiltskin is my name.
When the man returned, he asked: So, I bet you still don't know my name.
The Queen said: Your name is Rumpelstiltskin.
I'm so mad! The little man stumped his feet far into the ground with anger and was never found again.
The Queen and king lived with their child happily ever after
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