[English Singsing - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 004 - 0/1/1]
English Singsing. Level 3. Heidi
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There once was a girl named Heidi who was raised by her aunt. One day, she was sent to her grandfather who lived alone in the Alps. Even though they didn't have much, Heidi and her grandfather were happy together.
Heidi became real good friends with Peter, a shepherd boy. Surrounded by beautiful nature, Heidi was always happy playing with goats and picking flowers. One day, her aunt returned to take Heidi back and then sent her to a wealthy family in a big city in Germany.
Heidi didn't want to leave but couldn't do anything to stop it. She was expected to make friends with a girl named Clara who had been ill and couldn't walk. Heidi and Clara indeed became good friends.
But Heidi missed everything about the Alps. She got homesick. Feeling sorry for her, Clara's dad sent Heidi back to the Alps. After a while, Clara visited Heidi with her grandma. Clara's grandma believed that it would be good for Clara to stay longer with Heidi in nature.
Clara stayed and enjoyed her life in the Alps with Heidi. Peter got jealous of Clara and Heidi's friendship. So he threw Clara's wheelchair off a cliff. From then on, Heidi encouraged and helped Clara to practice walking by herself.
Peter apologized and also helped Clara. Bit by bit, Clara's legs became stronger. One day, Clara's father came to see Clara. Upon seeing him, Clara started running toward him to greet him. Now Clara was a healthy girl.
Clara's father wept out of pure joy. Heidi was just a little girl, but she made people happy with her love
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