[English Singsing - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 009 - 0/1/1]
English Singsing. Level 1. The Hare and the Tortoise
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The hare and the tortoise.
There once was a rabbit who always bragged about how fast he was.
Get out of the way! I'm the best! He would say
He always teased the tortoise for being slow. I'm the fastest runner in the woods. Why are you so slow?
One day, the tortoise challenged the rabbit to a race. Let's see who reaches the tree on the hill first. He said.
The tortoise and the hare stood at the starting line for the race.
Ready, set, go! Said the hare and they started running. The hare was much faster than the tortoise. At one point, when the hare looked back, he couldn't even see the tortoise. The hare thought to himself: I'm sure I'll win this race. Why should I hurry? I would rather take a nap here for a while.
While the hare was sleeping, the tortoise kept on going. After a while, when the hare woke up, he saw the tortoise reaching the finish line.
The hare rushed towards the finish line as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise had already crossed the line. The tortoise was the winner!
Being slow but steady wins the race. It's not over until it's over.
The tortoise told the hare. The hare sobbed in shame
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