[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 060 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 60 Track 60
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I scoop-up the hot-water with the wash-bowl. I stir the hot-water. I pour the hot-water on my body.
I put soap on a washcloth. It-lathers very-well. I wash my body.
I scrub my legs. I'm washing my-right knee. I rinse out my body.
I-soak-in-the-bathtub. I'm dozing-off in the bathtub. The hot-water feels good.
I put-back the tub-covers. I wrap a bath-towel around my body. I get-out-of the bathroom.
I turn-on the lights. I push the-switch. I stand in-front-of the wash-stand.
I reach for my toothbrush. Two bottles-of lotion are on the shelf. I always put my toothbrush in my cup.
I put water in the cup. I turn-on the faucet. I fill the cup with water.
I squeeze-out the toothpaste on my toothbrush. The paste comes-out from the tube. Oops! I put-on too-much paste.
I-brush my teeth. I-brush my teeth after meals. I have no cavities.
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