[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 058 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 58 Track 58
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I tie the apron. I-tie the strings in-a-bow. I do it behind my-back.
I wipe the window. I blow on the window. I Polish it.
I plug-in the vacuum-cleaner. I vacuum the floor. The vacuum-cleaner sucks-up the dirt.
I put-away the dirty-dishes. I pile-up one dish on-top-of-another. We eat our lunch up.
I wipe the table. I clean-it-up. I leave the soy-sauce and the salt on the table.
I carry the dirty dishes-to-the-sink. I carry them carefully. I don't want to break them.
I soak-the-dishes. I fill the-sink with water. I wish I had a dishwasher.
I wash-the-dishes. I wash them with detergent. A cup is floating in the-sink.
I dry-the-dishes. I wipe them with a dish-towel. I put the dishes on the draining-board.
I put-away the dishes in the cupboard. I display them neatly. Oh no! The inside of the cupboard is Dusty.
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