[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 056 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 56 Track 56
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I go-out-of the-store with-the-groceries. They are a-little heavy. I go-home.
I open the cupboard. I take the dishes out of the cupboard. I'm preparing for our lunch.
I put the groceries on the table. I roll-up my sleeves. I prepare all the ingredients.
I tap-an-egg on the table. The egg has a-crack in the shell. Eggs break easily.
I break-an-egg into a bowl. I hold the shells in my hands. I break it very-well.
I throw-away the shells. I put them in a garbage-box. The-sink is still clean.
I beat-the-egg. Egg-yolk and egg-white is mixed. It becomes yellow.
I pick-up the onion. I'll mix the onions with the egg. Onions have peels.
I-peel the onion. I throw-the-peels-away. I cut it into small pieces.
I remove-the-seeds from the green-pepper. There-are many small seeds inside of the pepper. I take-out all-of-them.
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