[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 053 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 53 Track 53
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I put-on my pajamas. I button-up my pajamas. I put a curler on my-bangs.
I keep myself warm. I put my short-robe on. I-tie the strings in front.
I set the alarm-clock for seven. I don't want to oversleep tomorrow. This-alarm is noisy.
I turn-off the-light. I put the alarm-clock on the-side-table. I go-to-sleep at ten.
I find a telephone-booth. It's empty now. I have-to call the office.
I step inside. I pull the door closed. I make a telephone call.
I reach-into my pocket. I feel in my pocket for a coin. I pick-up the receiver.
I take a ten-yen-coin out-of-my-pocket. I think ten-yen is enough. I make a local-call.
I put the coin in the-telephone. I put another coin in just-in-case. If ten-yen isn't enough, the-telephone goes-dead suddenly.
I-dial the number. Who will answer the-phone? I hope the-line-isn't-busy.
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