[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 040 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 40 Track 40
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I push-the-button. Then the ticket comes-out-of the machine. I only have-to pay half the price.
I put the ticket in my pocket. I must remember where I put it. I had my ticket-punched.
I-run around in the-train. Nobody sits here. Wow! It's a-lot-of fun!
I get-off-the-train. I jump onto the platform. The-train is going to pull-out.
I give my ticket to the station-employee. He wears a blue uniform. I want to become a station-employee too.
I-wait for the flower to-bloom. It has a pink-bulb. I planted seeds in this flower-pot.
I take-the-toy-away from my friend. He wants to play with it too. He tries to get-it-back.
I share-my-toy with Yukio. We should be-kind-to friends. He is glad.
I play with blocks. I want to-stack the blocks as-tall-as I am. There-are many kinds-of shapes-of blocks.
I finish the puzzle. I put the-last-piece in the-center-of it. It turned-out-to-be a purple car.
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