[900 Sentenses - Zalo 0977207836] [lesson: 039 - 0/1/1]
900 sentences. 39 Track 39
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I add a-pinch-of salt. The salt is in a green-pot. I-season with salt.
I-ladle the batter. I-scoop it with a spoon. I have-to be careful not to put in too-much batter.
I turn-it-over. It is mixed well. It became a-lump.
I kneed it. I sprinkle-some-flour over the-board. It makes-me tired.
I read a book. It's a very colorful picture-book. I put my bear by my side.
I go-to-see-my-friend. He-lives in the next town. What shall we play today?
I forgot my wallet. I have-to go-back soon. I can't take-a-bus without-money.
I draw-the-curtains. It's-getting-dark. I see a-lot-of people going home.
I-lock the door. I insert-the-key in the lock. Don't forget to lock the door before you go-out.
I put-coins-into the ticket-machine. I know how to get the ticket. There-are always so-many people in a station.
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