[Questions and Answers - Zalo 0977207836]

[lesson: 001 - 0/1/1]

Questions and Answers. 01. Family

How many people are there in your family? - There are 5 people in my family: my father, mother, brother, sister, and me. - Does your family live in a house or an apartment? - We live in a house in the countryside. - What does your father do? - My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital. - How old is your mother? - She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father. - Do you have any siblings? What’s his / her name? - Yes, I do. I have 1 elder brother, David, and 1 younger sister, Mary. - Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters? - No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family. - What does your mother / father like? - My father likes playing football and my mother likes cooking. - Do your parents let you stay out late? - Of course not. They always ask me to get home before 10 pm each night. - Do you stay with your parents? - Right now, no, but I used to. - Does your family usually have dinner together? - Yes, we do. My mom always prepares delicious meals for us.
/ ˈkwes-ʧənz ənd ˈɑːn-səz ˈfæ-mə-li /

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How many people are there in your family.
There are 5 people in my family: My father, mother, brother, sister, and me.
Does your family live in a house or an apartment.
We live in a house in the countryside.
What does your father do.
My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital.
How old is your mother.
She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father.
Do you have any siblings. What’s his / her name.
Yes, I do. I have 1 elder brother, david, and 1 younger sister, mary.
Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters.
No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family.
What does your mother / father like.
My father likes playing football and my mother likes cooking.
Do your parents let you stay-out late.
Of-course not. They always ask me to get-home before 10 pm each night.
Do you stay with your parents.
Right now, no, but I used-to.
Does your family usually have dinner together.
Yes, we do. My mom always prepares delicious meals for us.

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